داستان آبیدیک

compression set


1 عمران:: تغییر شکل فشاری

(A) (B) (C) (a) Good contact (bond (d) Rubber-like properties (e) Low compression set not needed) (f) Webs should not weld (b) Correct size (g) Should not extrude (c) Suitable configuration from the joint Also required (see Section 3.1) (1) Impermeability (3) Recovery (7) Nonembrittlement (8) Not deteriorate Low compression set compression set (iii) To obtain these characteristics, good resistance to compression set (that is, the material must recover to its original size and shape sufficiently when re- leased) is required. The critical condition for maintaining a positive contact pressure is when the joint is fully open at low temperature since compression set or lack of low temperature recovery may adversely affect sealant performance.

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